Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Love at first sight.?

So i was looking through some old things and i recently found out that i spoke to him 3 months before we actually started dating...and it is kind of...nice i guess...to know that i found the man of my dreams by simply talking. who knew communication really did mean so much. I always hear people saying that lack of communication is the reason for failed relationships or reasons why people dont even end up together...i honestly can see myself marrying him...oh well look at me...its still way too soon to even start thinking about that but i really honestly believe in love at first sight but like most people not all people believe that. You have the people that are completely negative about it and they say "Oh well i dont believe some perfect guy will just cross my path and we will instantly fall in love..." But when in reality thats not really how i would define love at first sight...i would define it by saying...Love at first sight isn't exactly how it sounds. You may see someone but really in your mind you dont instantly fall in love. You talk to them but its the feeling you get when you talk to them is what it really is all about.You can look a person in the eyes and just feel right for each other. Pretty much like all the corney things people say.Its the way you feel when you look them in the eyes, when you look them in the eyes everything feels ok and nothing else really seems to phase you. Which is why i take this to my personal blog. To explain to you that you may be thinking about this all the wrong way. I mainly think that its the comfort you feel around the person that forms the illusion of love to you. Kinda like when you meet someone for the very first time but it feels like you have known them forever. And it kinda phases you like you feel you're in love...But all it really is in my opinion is, the comfort. If you dont feel comfortable around someone you will never be able to actually love them.I feel more than comfortable with my boyfriend...He makes me feel like i'm the only one around he's not what i would say the most important thing in my life for one reason...I come first, and as screwed up and bizarre as it sounds i will never put him before me (Depending on the circumstance) For example, if he wants me to go to a party and i dont really want to go...I'm not going to go because i have to do for me before anyone else. and babe if you're reading this i'm sorry i sound like an asshole but its the gods honest truth i will explain this all to you so that you hopefully won't get mad at me. I love you so call me.! and as for you others...I will talk to you all later...

~Michael Lush~
Love Peace & Hair grease. <3

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